What is a Meltdown? Is it the same as a tantrum?

The first question that must be asked when we see a child having what we call “a big feelings moment” is, “Why is this happening here?” This begins the exploration. It’s easy to blame the child at this point, to jump on our high horse and point out their behavior as unacceptable. But being human ourselves, our moments of “big feelings” are often fueled by internal thoughts such as — “I’m not okay, I feel awful, I can’t cope with this situation, I wish someone could change it for me”

In this episode, we define meltdowns and discuss how our mindset matters. As for each issue there is a strategic solution and normally some underlying beliefs about childrhood to be uncovered.

Video - What is a meltdown?


Coming soon


Tiffany is a Mama and trained teacher working in primary and secondary settings. She is passionate about supporting parents to find learning in play and foster their child’s interdependence, creating  a space where learning meets fun. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram right here


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